We’re thrilled to announce that The New Yorker has named a recent HDRF study as one of the six most interesting psychology findings of the year (see number six on depression).
The study was conducted by Dr. Huda Akil, Chair of our acclaimed Depression Task Force. Her lab at U Michigan has identified a new brain protein that could point the way to new and better treatments for depression. The protein is called Fibroblast Growth Factor 9.
This study is just one of many important advances made by our Depression Task Force in 2015. Working together, they’ve identified a handful of proteins and gene targets they’ve linked to depression and will continue to investigate collaboratively in the coming year.
We hope you’re as excited as we are about leading the charge in discovery research. By pooling expertise and data, Dr. Akil and our elite team of brain scientists are poised to transform the way we view, diagnose, and treat depression and related mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and postpartum depression.
We’re thrilled to announce that our new television advertisement is making news in the advertising world.
The spot — which we unveiled at our HOPE Luncheon Seminar in November — has been recognized as one of the week’s top five ads internationally by AdForum.com.
The fantastic AdForum news salutes the talent of McCann HumanCare, who came to HDRF with the idea for a video spot that would change attitudes and raise awareness about depression. They chose us as the most advanced nonprofit in depression research today.
The ad speaks for itself. In a subtle and poignant way it strikes at the heart of common misperceptions about depression. Click here to view.
When we launch the campaign on December 26th, the ad will have 20 million impressions on television and targeted social media. McCann’s high-level connections will also garner us free ad space on local and national TV networks.
With this public awareness ad, HDRF is leading the charge in communication and transforming how people think about depression.
Depression cuts a wide swath across society.
A new study released this month from Harvard Medical School reveals that the entire medical profession is even concerned about depression in its own ranks. Nearly 30% of new physicians struggle with severe symptoms of major depression, the study says. This is a rate three times worse than the general population.
How is it that those with ready access to the best care can face such serious illness? Stress, silence … whatever the answer, we are dealing with an epidemic, experts warn.
The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is sure to spark reforms in medical training; but it should also spark broad reflection on depression as a growing public health crisis.
This fall, the World Health Organization announced that depression has become the leading cause of disability worldwide. And though depression affects over 350 million across the globe, progress in understanding and treating the illness has been vexingly slow. No truly new medications have been developed in the three decades since Prozac was introduced.
During the holidays, please remember that depression affects all corners of our community – even our caregivers. If someone in your family or work is struggling, you can get tips for how to speak and listen with compassion on our website: hopefordepression.org/campaign.
And please consider a year-end gift to HDRF. Your gift will help us lead the charge in research, with 100% going directly to our acclaimed Depression Task Force and its remarkable progress in 2016. Your support today will propel all the discoveries that lie in wait and make a profound difference for generations to come.
Thank you.
Please watch HDRF’s Founder & Chair Audrey Gruss present at the Watermill Center’s Scaler Lecture Series.
The Watermill Center: Scaler Lecture Series – Summer 2015 from HDRF on Vimeo.
My mother Hope suffered from depression for most of her late adult life. My sisters, father and I witnessed decades of misdiagnosis, trials of medication, troublesome side effects and the psychic pain and life-sapping loss of energy that is a mark of clinical depression.
When she passed away in December 2005, I vowed that I would do all in my power to help conquer this dreaded illness. That was the spark that started HDRF and led me on an incredible journey.
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