Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The Plaza Hotel, 770 Fifth Avenue, New York City

Click here to watch the entire event

HOPE for Depression Advocacy Recipient Anderson Cooper with Chuck Scarborough and HDRF Founder & Chair Audrey Gruss

Anderson Cooper, Shane Boylan and Audrey Gruss

Andrea Greeven Douzet and Laura Nicklas

Ann Barish, Jane Marray and Pattie Lynch

Eleanor Kennedy and Yaz Hernandez

Jamee and Peter Gregory

Susan Gutfreund, Audrey Gruss and HRH Princess Katherine of Serbia

Dr. Helen Mayberg and Dr. John Krystal

Arthur Dunnam and Richard Ziegelasch

Ritchey Howe, Carol Mack, Caroline Dean and Danielle Ganek

Janna Bullock, Zoe Bullock, Nicole Miller

Jeff Zucker and HDRF Executive Director Louisa Benton