Virtual Palm Beach Race of Hope is a Success!
We’re thrilled to report that our 2021 Virtual Palm Beach Race of Hope was a smashing success! The race drew over 1,000 participants nationwide and raised over $365,000 for urgent research!
Although we could not gather in a common location, this past Saturday the Hope for Depression Research Foundation (HDRF) held a LIVE video broadcast to mark the official Race day and re-create the starting line excitement.
HDRF Chair Audrey Gruss and Advisory Council member Scott Snyder were Race Co-Grand Marshals and hosted the live broadcast from Palm Beach, while racers from around the country posted messages as they were watching the broadcast before doing their actual 5K races.
The Palm Beach community was a star throughout! We are so very grateful to our Palm Beach Committee Members and Corporate Sponsors, many of whom sent video messages of Hope to be played on the broadcast.
Music Legend Gloria Estefan rounded out the program with a surprise special appearance and song from her own living room!
You can watch the entire livestream here.
Thank you again to our wonderful Committee Members and Corporate Sponsors for making this virtual event JUST as successful as our regular Palm Beach Race.