The July issue of Hamptons Magazine provides an inspiring tour of the Southampton garden of HDRF Founder and Chair Audrey Gruss.
“Renewed Hope” describes the glade of Lilies of the Valley planted in honor of Gruss’s mother Hope. The article also touches on the history and mission of Hope for Depression Research Foundation, also created in Hope’s memory. Warm thanks to author and longtime HDRF supporter Jamee Gregory.
We wish you a restful and happy summer season.
My mother Hope suffered from depression for most of her late adult life. My sisters, father and I witnessed decades of misdiagnosis, trials of medication, troublesome side effects and the psychic pain and life-sapping loss of energy that is a mark of clinical depression.
When she passed away in December 2005, I vowed that I would do all in my power to help conquer this dreaded illness. That was the spark that started HDRF and led me on an incredible journey.
Click here to read the full article…
This week the Wall Street Journal published a thought-provoking article about the need for new depression treatments: “To Treat Depression, a New Approach Tries Training the Brain,” June 2nd.
The piece describes a number of newly emerging treatments that actually use computer games to target specific mood centers in the brain and rehabilitate them through exercising the neural circuits within.
Explains writer Andrea Petersen: a growing number of researchers are coming into the view that the brain of the depressed individual should be treated “like a muscle that is atrophied.” Computer games – often combined with electric stimulation of other brain regions – can specifically target the brain circuits that go awry in depression and coax them back into shape.
Can these emergent treatments offer promise to the millions who struggle with resistant depression? It is too early to tell. As the article clearly states, studies testing the new treatments have had mixed results and the sample size was very small.
HDRF Board member Dr. Steven Roose of Columbia University echoed this point: “We always have to be cautious when someone claims to have a breakthrough new treatment. The studies were small and they are far from meeting the burden of proof required.”
However, Dr. Roose added: “The idea that there is structural damage in the brain during depressive illness is well-established scientifically. When we talk about depression, we are talking about a brain disorder that does indeed involve structural damage.”
“That is why it is so critical to treat depressive episodes or prevent them altogether,” he said. “To arrest the illness before further damage to brain tissue can occur.”
What’s clear: the need for more basic research into the brain. That is why the work of Hope for Depression Research Foundation – and your support – really matters.
We need a far more sophisticated understanding of the brain’s complex mood centers so we can assuredly intervene when something goes wrong. And that, of course, is the mandate of our acclaimed Depression Task Force and their bold research plan.
We look forward to much progress and leading the way to a new era of treatment.
We’d like to bring to your attention Andrew Solomon’s article from New York Times Magazine: “The Secret Sadness of Pregnancy With Depression.”
A longstanding member of HDRF’s Leadership Committee, Andrew is a friend and author for whom we have great respect.
His thoughtful discussion of mood disorders in pregnancy is a welcome example of the kind of media coverage that elevates national conversation about depression and makes it safe to speak out and get help.
The fact that the article points out a discrepancy in reliable information for pregnant mothers managing depression is important. It underscores the need for research and HDRF’s critical mission. Every mother needs access to sophisticated, evidence-based information in order to make the best choices for herself and her baby.
The studies of our Depression Task Force are designed to lead us to an advanced understanding of all mood disorders, including postpartum depression. With your help, we are working tirelessly to yield new knowledge and new answers that can come to bear on the most important and personal decisions of our lives.
We’re writing to share an excellent article from the Economist, April 25: “Out of the Shadows: The stigma of mental illness is fading. But it will take time for sufferers to get the treatment they need.”
It’s a heartening read. Campaigns by governments and charities around the world are raising awareness and making it safe for people from all walks of life to open up about psychiatric illness. HDRF has been working to end stigma since our founding in 2006, and your support has helped us lead the call for change in the United States.
Click here to read the full article…