2016 HDRF funded Research Publications
Neuroscience training for the 21st century. Neuron. June 2016. (Akil H., Balice-Gordon R., Cardozo D.L., Koroshetz W., Posey Norris S.M., Sherer T.S., Sherman M., Thiels E.)
The microRNA network is altered in anterior cingulate cortex of patients with unipolar and bipolar depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2016. (Azevedo J.A., Carter B.S., Meng F., Turner D.L., Dai M., Schatzberg A.F., Barchas J.D., Jones E.G., Bunney W.E., Myers R.M., Akil H., Watson S.J., Thompson R.C.)
Nucleus accumbens cocaine-amphetamine regulated transcript mediates food intake during novelty conflict. Physiology & Behavior. 2016. (Burghardt P.R., Krolewski D.M., Dykhuis K.E., Ching J., Pinawin A.M., Britton S.L., Koch L.G., Watson S.J., Akil H.)
Genetic background and epigenetic modifications in the core of the nucleus accumbens predict addiction-like behavior in a rat model. PNAS. 2016. (Flagel S.B., Chaudhury S., Waselus M., Kelly R., Sewani S., Clinton S.M., Thompson R.C., Watson S.J., Akil H.)
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Alters the Oxytocin Receptor in a Developmental Model of Anxiety-like Behavior in Male Rat Pups. Hormones & Behavior. 2016. (Litvin Y., Turner C.A., Rios M.B., Maras P.M., Chaudhury S., Baker M.R., Blandino Jr. P. Watson Jr. S.J., Akil H. and McEwen B.)
Evidence for alterations of the glial syncytial function in Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2016. (Medina A., Watson S.J., Bunney W.E., Myers R.M., Schatzberg A, Barchas J., Akil H., Thompson R.C.)
Quantitative trait locus for brain expression of HLA-DPA1. Microarrays. 2016. (Morgan L.Z., Rollins B., Sequeira A., Byerley W., DeLisi L., Schatzberg A., Barchas J., Myers R., Watson S., Akil H., Bunney W., Vawter M.)
Protective effects of chronic mild stress during adolescence in the low novelty responder rat. Stress. 2016. (Rana S., Nam H., Glover M.E., Akil H., Watson S.J., Clinton S.M., Kerman I.A.).
Dysregulated fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2016. (Turner C.A., Eren-Kocak E., Inui E.G., Watson S.J., Akil H.).
A Lack of Serotonin 1B Autoreceptors Results in Decreased Anxiety and Depression-Related Behaviors. Neuropsychopharmacology. November 2016. (Nautiyal K.M., Tritschler L., Ahmari S.E., David D.J., Gardier A.M., Hen R.)
Activation of local inhibitory circuits in the dentate gyrus by adult-born neurons. Hippocampus. June 2016. (Drew L.J., Kheirbek M.A., Luna V.M., Denny C.A., Cloidt M.A., Wu M.V., Jain S., Scharfman H.E., Hen R.)
GluN2B-Containg NMDA Receptors on Adult-Born Granule Cells Contribute to the Antidepressant Action of Fluoxetine. Front Neurosci. May 2016. (Tannenholz L., Hen R., Kheirbek M.A.)
Neuroanatomic Differences Associated With Stress Susceptibility and Resilience. Biol Psychiatry. May 2016. (Anacker C., Scholz J., O’Donnell K.J., Allemang-Grand R., Diorio J., Bagot R.C., Nestler E.J., Hen R., Lerch J.P., Meaney M.J.)
Distinct Contribution of Adult-Born Hippocampal Granule Cells to Context Encoding. Neuron. April 2016. (Danielson N.B., Kaifosh P., Zaremba J.D., Lovett-Barron M., Tsai J., Denny C.A., Balough E.M., Goldberg A.R., Drew L.J., Hen R., Losonczy A., Kheirbek M.A.)
Serotonin 1A and Serotonin 4 Receptors: Essential Mediators of the Neurogenic and Behavioral Actions of Antidepressants. Neuroscientist. February 2016. (Samuels B.A., Mendez-David I., Faye C., David S.A., Pierz K.A., Gardier A.M., Hen R., David D.J.)
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank – A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. November 2016. (Deeb W., Giordano J.J., Rossi P.J., Mogilner A., Gunduz A., Judy J.W., Klassen B.T., Butson C.R, van Horne C., Denys D., Dougherty D.D., Rowell D., Gerhardt G.A., Smith G.S., Walker H.C., Bronte-Stewart H.M., Mayberg H.S., Chizeck H.J., Langevin J.P., Volkmann J., Ostrem J., Shute J.B., Jimenez-Shahed J., Foote K. D., Rossi M.A., Oh M., Pourfar M., Rosenburg P.B., Silburn P.A. De Hemptinne C., Starr P.A., Denison T., Akbar U., Grill W.M., Okun M.S.)
Discriminating clinical phases of recovery from major depressive disorder using the dynamics of facial expression. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. August 2016. (Harati S., Crowell A., Mayberg H., Jun Kong, Nemati S.)
Deep Brain Stimulation for Depression: Keeping an Eye on a Moving Target. JAMA Psychiatry. May 2016. (Mayberg H.S., Riva-Posse P., Crowell A.L.)
Epigenetics and energetics in ventral hippocampus mediate rapid antidepressant action: Implications for treatment resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016. (Bigio B., Mathe A.A., Sousa V.C., Zelli D., Svenningsson P.)
Neuroanatomic differences associated with stress susceptibility and resilience. Biological Psychiatry. 2016. (Anacker C., Scholz J, O’Donnell K.J., Allemang-Grand R., Diorio J., Bagot R.C., Nestler E.J., Hen R, Lerch JP., Meaney M.J.)
Neuroanatomical differences associated with stress susceptibility and resilience. Biological Psychiatry. 2016. (Anacker C., Scholz J., O’Donnell K.J., Allemagne-Grand R., Diorio J., Bagot R., Nestler E.J., Hen R., Lerch J., and Meaney M.J.)
Circuit-wide transcriptional profiling reveals brain region-specific gene networks regulating depression susceptibility. Neuron. 2016a. (Bagot R.C., Cates H.M., Purushothaman I., Lorsch Z.S., Walker D.M., Wang J., Huang X., Schlüter O.M., Maze, I., Peña C.J., Heller E.A., Issler O., Wang M., Song W.M., Stein J.L., Liu X., Doyle M.A., Scobie K.N., Sun H.S., Neve R.L., Geschwind D., Dong, Y., Shen, L., Zhang, B., and Nestler, E.J.)
Ketamine and imipramine reverse transcriptional signatures of susceptibility and induce resilience-specific gene expression profiles. Biological Psychiatry. 2016b. (Bagot R.C., Cates H.M., Purushothaman I., Vialou V., Heller E.A., Yieh L., Labonté B., Peña C.J., Shen L., Wittenberg G.M., and Nestler E.J.)
Essential role of mesolimbic brain-derived neurotrophic factor in chronic social stress-induced depressive behaviors. Biological Psychiatry. 2016. (Koo J.W., Lagonté B., Engmann O., Calipari E.S., Jaurez B., Lorsch Z., Walsh J.J., Friedman A.K., Yorgason J.T., Han M.H., and Nestler E.J.)
Sex-specific transcriptional signatures in human depression. Nat. Med. In revision 2016. (Labonté B., Engmann O., Purushothaman I., Hodes G.E., Scarpa J.R., Kronman H., Lorsch Z.S., Hamilton PJ, Calipari E.S., Issler O., Wang B., Loh Y.H.E., Walker D., Pfau M., Doile M., Russo S., Kasarskis A., Neve R., Dong Y., Mechawar N., Tamminga C., Turecki G., Zhang B., Shen L., Nestler E.J.)
Early life stress enhances susceptibility to depression via long-lasting transcriptional and epigenetic alterations in the brain’s reward circuitry. Science. In revision 2016. (Peña C.J., Kronman H., Loh E., Purushothaman I., Farrelly L., Cates H., Issler O., Bagot R., Walker D., Maze I., Shen L., Nestler E.J.)
BAZ1B in nucleus accumbens regulates reward-related behaviors in response to distinct emotional stimuli. J. Neuroscience. 2016. (Sun H., Martin J.A., Werner C.T., Wang Z.J., Damez-Werno D.M., Scobie K.N., Shao N.Y., Dias, C., Rabkin J., Koo J.W., Gancarz A.M., Mouzon E.A., Neve R.L., Shen L., Dietz D.M., and Nestler E.J.)